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====Leagues Prizes====
Liigoissa voit voittaa vielä enemmän mahtavia palkintoja, kuten vanhentuvia rakennuksia, tapahtumarakennuksia, tietopisteitä, kuninkaallisia ehostuksia ja jopa eksklusiivisen profiilikuvan, joka ei ole saatavilla missään muualla pelissä!
Liigoissa voit voittaa vielä enemmän mahtavia palkintoja, kuten vanhentuvia rakennuksia, tapahtumarakennuksia, tietopisteitä, kuninkaallisia ehostuksia ja jopa eksklusiivisen profiilikuvan, joka ei ole saatavilla missään muualla pelissä!

Versio 21. tammikuuta 2022 kello 23.42

Kielletyt rauniot

Mainbanner sorcerers2022.png

Uusi pyhiinvaellus on alkamassa, ja Zaphiel on jo valmistautunut lähtemään tälle uudelle matkalle. Hyvänä ystävänä sinut kutsutaan jälleen mukaan tähän seikkailuun ja tuot mukanasi merkittävimmät oppilaasi. Zaphiel on hyvin tyytyväinen siihen, että avonaisia halkeamia koskeva välikohtaus saatiin ratkaistua eikä kartanossa ole havaittu uusia välikohtauksista. Huhut kertovat, että joidenkin noitien on viime kuukausina nähty poistuvan kartanosta väittäen aloittavansa oman pyhiinvaelluksensa. Raporttien joukossa yksi seikka herättää huomiota: kaikki noidat ilmoittivat, että heidän oli lähdettävä etsimään "syvällä piilevää totuutta".

Pyhiinvaellus alkaa. Kaikki oppilaat ovat innoissaan päästessään tutkimaan uusia kaupunkeja ja selvittämään, millaista tietoa Pyhiinvaeltajien kartanon rajojen sisäpuolella piilee. Erään pysähdyksen aikana, kun pyhiinvaeltajat toipuvat pitkästä matkasta, leiriin tunkeutuu kylmä tuulenpuuska. Kaikkien nukkuvien oppilaiden keskuudessa vallitsee yleinen levottomuuden tunne. Yhtäkkiä mentori Zaphiel poistuu teltastaan pilke silmäkulmassa ja lähettää kaikki oppilaat takaisin sänkyihinsä.

Seuraavana aamuna karavaanarille ilmoitetaan, että seuraavaa pysähdyspaikkaa on muutettava, ja Zaphiel johdattaa ryhmän kohti lähintä vuoristoa. Kun ryhmä kiipeää kohti huippua, alkaa kuulua murinaa muinaisella kielellä. Zaphiel kehottaa ryhmää pysähtymään ja siirtää johtajuuden Melissalle. Hän kiipeää yksin kukkuloiden huipulle ja yllättyy näystä: metsän keskelle on rakennettu kylä, jossa leiriytyy joitakin hänen vanhoja ystäviään kartanosta. Kun hän tutkii asiaa, hän ymmärtää, mistä hänen tuntemansa voima on peräisin. Leirin keskellä on valtava railo, ja yläpuolella, ilmassa leijuen, muinaisen linnan rauniot loistavat aavemaisessa sinisessä valossa. Hämmentyneenä ja yllättyneenä hän palaa ryhmän luo ja päättää jatkaa pyhiinvaellusta.

Hänen mielessään nousee esiin monia levottomuutta herättäviä kysymyksiä. Miten hän ei voinut tuntea tuota railoa? Mikä pitää sitä auki? Mistä tuo energia tulee? Miten hänen pitäisi pelastaa vanhat ystävänsä vaarantamatta kaikkia oppilaita?

Toistaiseksi tärkeintä on viedä oppilaat turvalliseen paikkaan. Sen jälkeen hän keskustelee Melissan ja Tandrielin kanssa näiden tapahtumien syistä.


Zaphiel on mentori, joka auttoi noita-oppilaita edellisellä pyhiinvaellusmatkalla. Tämänvuotisella pyhiinvaelluksella hän palaa auttamaan vastanimitettyjä pyhiinvaeltajia paluumatkalla. Liity jälleen kerran hänen seuraansa pyhiinvaellukselle koko tapahtuman ajan ja nappaa joitakin monista palkinnoista matkan varrella!

Quests & Quest Milestones

In this event, you will play a special Quest Line that will guide you through this year´s Pilgrimage. The first part of the Event is a classic story Quest Line, the second part is an episodic Quest Line with a new quest unlocking with every new day passed during the event.

Each Quest will give you Sorcerers' Knowledge SorcerersKnowledge.png as a reward. The more quests you complete, the closer you get to unlocking quest milestones with additional rewards, including some of the buildings of Forbidden Ruins Set.

You can see your current progression in the Quest Line and towards the Quest Milestones at the bottom of the Quest window.

Forbidden Ruins quest progress.png

Additionally, you can get more Sorcerer's Knowledge through the Daily Event Reward! Visit your city daily so that you can collect 30 Sorcerers' Knowledge every day!

Event Menu

Forbidden Ruins tab0.png

Sorcerers' Knowledge SorcerersKnowledge.png is automatically added to your Event Menu. It allows your Sorcerer to choose one of three different Beacons of Power and to travel across the map to the designated location. At the Beacons of Power, they find unique and precious rewards, including the Daily Prizes! Once you choose the Beacon of Power that you would like to move your Sorcerer towards, you will move a little bit closer to the Tower of Wisdom, which holds great Grand Prizes for you to collect!

Sorcerers' Pilgrimage20 event.png

By clicking the Event Menu icon, you will access the Event Window which will give you plenty of information and allow you to use your Sorcerers' Knowledge:

Forbidden Ruins explain.png
  1. The time left in the Event
  2. The amount of Sorcerers' Knowledge SorcerersKnowledge.png you have collected and not yet spent
  3. Allows you to buy extra Sorcerers' Knowledge with Diamonds
  4. Leagues, allows you to see your progress through the Leagues (please check the bottom of the page for more information)
  5. Your sorcerer on their pilgrimage journey
  6. Three Beacons of Power where you can choose to spend your Sorcerers' Knowledge
  7. As you see that you have reached 5/5 Re-roll charges, and you want to change your Daily Prize, just press the Re-roll button, confirm your choice, and you will see your Daily Prize change for the day!
  8. Daily Exclusive reward you can win at the Beacons and the time it is still available
  9. Grand Prize to be won as your sorcerer finishes their Pilgrimage upon reaching the Tower of Wisdom
  10. Your Sorcerer's Pilgrimage progress towards the Grand Prize

You can also click the Helpbtto.png button to see additional help information on the Forbidden Ruins event.

Sorcerers' Knowledge

Forbidden Ruins tab1.png

You start the Forbidden Ruins with 50 Sorcerers' Knowledge SorcerersKnowledge.png and every quest in the event gives you more when completed. Use it to choose one of three different Beacons of Power for your sorcerer to move towards the Grand Prizes. Also, from time to time, you will find more Sorcerers' Knowledge on the outskirts of your city for you to collect, or find them as one of many rewards in the Beacons of Power.

Sorcerers' Knowledge20 citycollect.png

Additionally, you will receive 30 Sorcerer's Knowledge if you visit your city each day and collect the Daily Event Reward!

Sorcerers22 daily login.png

Beacons of Power

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You will have three different Beacons of Power to choose from. Once you select your desired Beacon of Power, it will give you a powerful reward, maybe even the current Daily Exclusive prize! For every Beacon of Power you reach, you will get a little bit closer to the end of the Pilgrimage. When you traveled far enough to reach the Tower of Wisdom, your sorcerer will be able to collect the next Grand Prize for you!

Eventprogression sorcerers2022.png

After receiving any buildings, Daily Exclusives and Grand Prizes, you will find them in your InventoryInventory icon normal.png

Please note: All building values and effects depend on the chapter you are in at the time you add the buildings to your Inventory.


Forbidden Ruins tab3.png

When you use the Sorcerers' Knowledge SorcerersKnowledge.png in the Beacon of Power you have chosen, the sorcerer begins to move towards to the assigned location. This will take you even closer to the awesome Grand Prizes.



Building Set

Forbidden Ruins tab4.png

Forbidden Ruins event gives you a new Building Set. Like previous Sets, these are special buildings that increase and add new productions when they are placed directly next to each other, like a set. This can mean that their regular production is increased, or that new productions are added once several set buildings are combined!

Collect the following 6 buildings to complete the full Set: Forbidden Ruins, Mystical Dreams, Magic Dragon Tamer, Secluded Pond, Sorcerers Feast, and last but not least the Enchanted Crops.

Set buildings sorcerers2022.png

The Forbidden Ruins Building Set provides many different resources for your city such as, Population, Culture, Precious Goods, and Mana, as standard production resources. By completing the set, the building's set will produce more of these resources and new resources will be added such as Combining Catalysts and Blossom Mages.

For more information on Buildings Set, go to our dedicated page on the topic.

Royal Prize Pass

The Royal Prize Pass is an additional feature, which can accompany any regular Event in Elvenar.

Prizepass new FR.png

For every event step completed, you will make a step towards the next Grand Prize, and an additional Prize within the Royal Prize Pass!

In the Grand Prizes window, available from the Event screen if the Event is using the mechanic, you can see the upcoming event prizes that are waiting for you to be unlocked. Here, for every step earned from collecting Event Currency, you can unlock one of the event Grand Prizes, among which you can find various high-rarity instants.

The Royal Prize Pass adds Royal Grand Prizes, which can be collected with the regular Grand Prizes. The Royal Prize lane becomes available with purchasing the Royal Prize Pass and you can do so at any time in the event! For this event, the exclusive building that will be granted with the purchase of the Royal Prize pass is the Mystic Fiddler!

A Evt January XXII Mystic Fiddler1 1 0000.png

Grand Prizes & Daily Prizes

Each day you will have a chance to win a Daily Exclusive prize, including some brand-new buildings of the event, but the main goal is to combine these buildings with the fantastic Grand Prizes and complete the Forbidden Ruins Set.

But that's not all, in this event, you will not only receive various Enchantments, Knowledge Points, Units, and some new exclusive buildings of the event, but you will also obtain the brand new Vitality Surge Instant. This is a special spell that magically recovers fallen Units at the end of a battle, check out the dedicated page to find out more!

For all this and much more, make sure to complete all the Event Quests so that you can have a chance to win every single one of these wonderful prizes.

Forbidden Ruins reward panel.png

Expiring Building

In the Forbidden Ruins event, when you reach the last milestone reward, you will receive an Expiring Building: the Goddess of Wishes grants you a random reward every 12 hours.

GodessofWishes 2x2.png


In this event, you will have the chance to participate in Leagues and win even more fantastic prizes! Spending Sorcerers' Knowledge SorcerersKnowledge.png in the Beacons of Power not only allows you to progress on the map towards the Grand Prizes but also to progress up through the Leagues.

FR Leagues Window.png

There are five different Leagues you can reach by opening the Beacons of Power: Hobby, Iron, Bronze, Silver and Gold League. Each League is limited to a number of players with the required amount of points for that League. If a league is already full, you will move to the next League down but remember, the positions on the Leagues are recalculated every hour so do not give up hope and keep progressing on the event map to be able to progress in the Leagues also!

  • Hobby - All Players
  • Iron - Top 50%
  • Bronze - Top 20%
  • Silver - Top 5%
  • Gold - Top 1%

For the Hobby League, you only need to start playing the event, as for the rest of the Leagues you need to open Beacons of Power in order to progress through the Leagues. Each Beacon of Power has a different amount of points that will allow you to progress through the leagues, you can see how many points will be added to your progress directly on the Beacon of Power.

Each League has a minimum amount of points that need to be reached. The League requirements are based on the progress of all players playing the event and it is recalculated every hour, so you might notice some changes on the required points to achieve the next League.

If you hover your mouse over the Leagues icon in the event window, you will be able to see what is your rank and how much further you have to go until you reach the next League.

FR Leagues tooltip.png


Liigoissa voit voittaa vielä enemmän mahtavia palkintoja, kuten vanhentuvia rakennuksia, tapahtumarakennuksia, tietopisteitä, kuninkaallisia ehostuksia ja jopa eksklusiivisen profiilikuvan, joka ei ole saatavilla missään muualla pelissä!

Portrait evt january xxii f1.pngPortrait evt january xxii m1.png

Jokaisessa liigassa on joukko mahtavia palkintoja. Mitä korkeampi liiga, sitä parempia palkintoja saat! Saadaksesi haluamasi liigan palkinnot, sinun on oltava kyseisen liigan kärkisijoilla.

Tapahtuman lopussa näet palkintoikkunan, jossa näkyy liigasi sijoitus ja voittamasi palkinnot.

Leagues reward window.png