Syksyn eläinrata 2023
Legendat ja tarut kertovat, että eläinradat vierailevat Elvenarin pinnalla ja jakavat viisautta tuonpuoleisesta. Kun taivaanvirrat asettuvat tänä vuonna samaan linjaan tuhannen vuoden odotuksen jälkeen, saamme pian todistaa tämän ihmeen omin silmin! Tähtikäärme Tinlug laskeutuu kaupunkimme ylle kirkkaana yönä. Taivaallisten etsijöiden piiri, hurskaat sielut, jotka ovat omistaneet olemassaolonsa taivaallisen valaistumisen tavoittelulle, seuraa pian sen jälkeen. Tartu tilaisuuteen yhdessä ja keskustele tämän suurenmoisen, iättömän olennon kanssa. Tähtikäärme odottaa valmiina valaisemaan polkuasi ihmeiden ja valaistumisen valtakunnissa.
Glisal on muinainen kentauri, joka vierailee kaupungissa julistaakseen Eldrasilin ylösnousemuksen, maagisen puun, joka on vanhempi kuin ihmiskunta itse ja jonka voi nähdä vain tämän pallonmuodostuksen aikana.
Tehtävät & Tehtävien välietapit
Aiempien tapahtumien tapaan tehtäväsarja koostuu tarinatehtävästä ja episodimaisista tehtävistä, jotka alkavat heti kun tarina on suoritettu. Eli voit suorittaa heti ensimmäisen tehtäväsarjan, kun taas toisen sarjan tehtävät avautuvat päivittäin tapahtuman loppuun asti. Tapahtumatehtävien suorittamisessa on myös muitakin hyötyjä, sillä jokainen suoritettu tehtävä vie sinut lähemmäksi välietappeja, jotka antava lisäpalkintoja.
Jokainen suoritettu tehtävä antaa isnulle palkinnoksi kultaisia avaimia . Nämä avaimet lisätään automaattisesti tapahtumavalikkoon.
Avaimilla voit avata erilaisia palloja ja voittaa ainutlaatuisia palkintoja, kuten päivittäin vaihtuvia palkintoja!
Kaikki pallot sisältävät myös tähtipölyä , joilla suoritat eläinratoja ja avaat pääpalkintoja.
Klikkaamalla tapahtumaikkunan ikonia pääset tapahtumaikkunaan, jossa on paljon hyödyllistä tietoa ja jossa voit käyttää kultaiset avaimesi:
- Näyttää jäljellä olevan ajan tapahtumassa.
- Näyttää omistamasi kultaisten avainten määrän.
- Antaa sinun ostaa kultaisia avaimia timanteilla.
- Liigat, joissa näet oman edistymisesi (lisätietoa löytyy tämän sivun alaosasta).
- Eläinradat: Kun keräät tähtipölyä valaiset eläinratoja, ja kun koko eläinrata on valmis saat pääpalkinnon. Näet eläinradasta kuinka paljon tähtipölyä tarvitset seuraavaa palkintoa varten.
- Pääpalkinnot, jotka voitetaan keräämällä 20 tähtipölyä. Pääpalkinnot ja kuninkaalliset palkinnot on kerättävä manuaalisesti kuninkaallisessa passissa.
- Edistymisesi kohti pääpalkintoa.
- Avaa pää- ja kuninkaallisten palkintojen ikkunat: voit kerätä avatut palkinnot ja nähdä mitkä ovat seuraavat palkinnot!
- Pallot, joita voit avata kultaisilla avaimilla, ja joista voit voittaa tähtipölyä . Näyttää kuinka monta kultaista avainta tarvitaan avaamiseen ja kuinka paljon tähtipölyä saat avaamisesta.
- Näyttää päivittäin vaihtuvan palkinnon, sekä kuinka kauan se on saatavilla ennen kuin se katoaa.
- Vaihtobonus: Aina kun keräät 5 tähtipölyä, voit vaihtaa päivittäisen palkinnon.
Voit myös klikata -painiketta, jos tarvitset lisätietoa syksyn eläinradasta.
Golden Keys
You start the Autumn Zodiac Event with 50 Golden Keys and each Event Quest will give you more as a reward for completing the given tasks. Every day you play during the Event, you will receive a Daily Zodiac login reward of more Golden Keys.
From time to time, you will find more Golden Keys around your city outskirts for you to collect.
You can then use the Golden Keys to open one of the Spheres which, depending on your luck, may also give you more Golden Keys.
Remember that the Autumn Zodiac Event only lasts for a few weeks, and after that, you will no longer be able to use your Golden Keys to get awesome rewards, so don't waste time!
Galactic Spheres
You will be presented with 9 different Spheres to choose from!
Each one gives you a chance to win the Daily Exclusive reward. Other rewards include Ancient Knowledge, Coin Rain, Supply Windfall, Unit Instants, Portal Profit, Rune Shards, and even more Golden Keys. It all depends on which Sphere you choose and how lucky you are!
By opening the Spheres you will also get Stardust. Remember: Each Sphere will offer a different amount of Stardust for your Golden Keys, so choose carefully.
Once you have opened a Sphere, the remaining Spheres will rotate and present you with a new selection.
Collecting Stardust
When you unlock a Sphere, you will also win an amount of Stardust .
Each Sphere will immediately give you a specific amount indicated in the top left.
Collecting the Stardust allows you to complete the Zodiac Sign and unlock Grand Prizes! Each Zodiac Sign requires 20 Stardust to complete.
After collecting the Daily Exclusive rewards and Grand Prizes, you will find them in your Inventory
Please note: All building values and effects depend on the chapter you are in at the time you add the buildings to your Inventory. |
Zodiac Signs
When you open a Sphere, you add Stardust to the Zodiac Sign, lighting up the stars that form the constellation.
The Zodiac Sign shows your progress towards the goal of the Grand Prize. This gives you a good indication of how much Stardust is still needed until you get the next reward.
There are several different Zodiac Signs for you to discover, so make sure to collect as much Stardust as possible!
Evolving Buildings
A new Evolving Pet is available in this Autumn Zodiac Event: Tinlug, The Star Serpent. It can be evolved through 10 stages to increase its power. If you want more information about Evolving Buildings, please see our dedicated page.
Tinlug provides Culture and Population as a base bonus. For his special bonus it will produce on higher chapters : Seeds, Knowledge Points, Precious Sentient Goods boosted +2.
If you give him Pet Food, a special expiring effect will be activated : Free Combining Catalyst after a fixed amount of Tournament Encounters completed.
Royal Prize Pass
The Royal Prize Pass is an additional feature, which can accompany any regular Event in Elvenar.
For every event step completed, you will make a step towards the next Grand Prize, and an additional Prize within the Royal Prize Pass!
In the Grand Prizes window, available from the Event screen if the Event is using the mechanic, you can see the upcoming event prizes that are waiting for you to be unlocked.
Here, for every step earned from collecting Event Currency, you can unlock one of the event Grand Prizes, among which you can find various high-rarity instants, Artifacts, and so on. The Royal Prize Pass adds Royal Grand Prizes, which can be collected with the regular Grand Prizes.
The Royal Prize lane becomes available with purchasing the Royal Prize Pass and you can do so at any time in the event! Previously unlocked Royal Grand Prizes will also be available at any point, should you decide to purchase the Royal Prize Pass. For this event, the exclusive building that will be granted with the purchase of the Royal Prize pass is the Nebula Passage.
Grand Prizes and Daily Prizes
Each day, you will have a chance to win a Daily Exclusive Prize but, the real goal of this Event is to win the fantastic Grand Prizes.
Grand Prizes include the Tinlug Artifact, which allows you to evolve your Tinlug, The Star Serpent building to the next level.
See Evolving Buildings for more information on the evolution process.
But that's not all, as there are more awesome prizes, including Sip of Clarity, Ancient Knowledge, Pet Food, Spectral Stones, Rune Shards and more rewards !
During this Event, you get the chance to win some new awesome Daily Prizes too:
Pet Food
Pet Food is a special Enchantment designed specifically to feed your Pet Evolving Buildings. Applied directly to the building from your Enchantments tab, it activates a Pet Food Boost.
Look for the recipe in your Magic Academy's Crafting tab and craft it as your Pets become hungry again after their hard work to provide their boosts.
In this event you will have the chance to participate in Leagues and win even more fantastic prizes!
Spending Golden Keys to open Galactic Spheres will not only allows you to collect Grand Prizes but also to progress up through the Leagues.
There are five different Leagues you can reach by opening Galactic Spheres : Hobby, Iron, Bronze, Silver and Gold League. Each League is limited to a number of players with the required amount of points for that League. If a league is already full, you will move to the next League down but remember, the positions on the Leagues are recalculated every hour so do not give up hope and keep opening Spheres to be able to progress in the Leagues also!
- Hobby - All Players
- Iron - Top 50%
- Bronze - Top 20%
- Silver - Top 5%
- Gold - Top 1%
For the Hobby League you only need to start playing the event, as for the rest of the Leagues you need to open Galactic Spheres in order to progress through the Leagues. Each Galactic Spheres has a different amount of Star Dust that will allow you to progress through the leagues, you can see how many points will be added to your progress directly on Galactic Spheres. Each League has a minimum amount of points that needs to be reached. The League requirements are based on the progress of all players playing the event and it is recalculated every hour, so you might notice some changes on the required points to achieve the next League. If you hover your mouse over the Leagues icon in the event window, you will be able to see what is your rank and how much further you have to go until you reach the next League.
Leagues Prizes
In Leagues there are even more fantastic prizes to be won such as Expiring Buildings, Knowledge Points, Royal Restoration, Artifacts and even an exclusive Portrait that is not available anywhere else in the game!
Each league has a set of awesome rewards, the higher the league the better the rewards! In order to receive the rewards of the league you desire, you must be in the top ranking of that League.
At the end of the event you will see a reward window that displays your League position and the prizes you have won.
Related Events
In Elvenar there is always a story behind every occurrence, and with the Events it couldn't be any different. Check out other related Zodiac events pages so you don't miss a single glimpse of the story of the engaging characters!
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