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Versio hetkellä 13. elokuuta 2018 kello 21.32 – tehnyt Mrfreshh (keskustelu | muokkaukset) (Ak: Uusi sivu: {{Template:Buildings}}{{Template:Amuni_Buildings}} ===Kultaseppä=== Kultaseppä on yksi kahdesta Amunien tuotantorakennukesta. Se tuottaa hautatavaroita File:Gravegoods.png|25p...)
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Siirry takaisin: Rakennusten yleisnäkymään

Amunin rakennusten yleiskatsaus
Portalsite gr8.png

Dyynien temppeli

Gr8 Monument.png


Gr8 production 1.png


Gr8 production 2.png



Kultaseppä on yksi kahdesta Amunien tuotantorakennukesta. Se tuottaa hautatavaroita Gravegoods


Amunit ovat taitavia jalokiviseppiä. He tuottavat arvokkaita tavaroita kolikoista ja jumalallisista siemenistä.

Goldsmith prod menu.png

Tuotantojen kerääminen

You can boost your Goldsmith by upgrading the Temple of the Dunes in order to allow you to produce more in the same amount of time. The required resources for each production will also increase. You will know that there is a bonus to productions if you see a green arrow on the Goods icon.

Gr8 Goldsmith boost.png

While the production is running, you can see its progress, the remaining production time and the current amount of the produced Good. If you want, you can cancel the production and you will get the input resources back.

Gr8 Goldsmith collect.png

After your production is finished you will need to collect it in order to add it to your Temple of the Dunes (Portal) storage. You will see the an icon on the top of each Goldsmith matching the chosen production. Grave Goods will have a limited storage capacity, meaning you will see a greyed icon for this Good when you reach its maximum capacity.

Gr8 Production1 grey icon.png

If this happens, you can either spend some of this resource in order to have more available space for it or upgrade the Temple of the Dunes to increase its storage capacity.


To be able to build a Goldsmith you need to unlock its technology in the Research Tree. Then you can go to the Buildings menu and build it, as long as you have the required resources. You will also need a certain amount of Prestige Prestige.png. The Temple of the Dunes will provide Prestige.

Note: The Goldsmith needs a direct connection to a City Residence building.

It can be sold, rebuilt and upgraded.


Upgrading a Goldsmith to the next level will increase:

  1. The amount of produced Goods per time. So, the production will be more efficient!
Gr8 Goldsmith upgrade.png

Kultasepän yleisnäkymä

Kultasepän tiedot
Level Vaatimukset Hinta Hyödyt
Taso Koko Rakennusaika Arvovalta Kolikota Tehostettu tiedostava tavara +1 Tehostettu tiedostava tavara +2 Mana Hautatavarat /15m
1 5x5 10:12h 82 780.000 1.440 1.260 58.000 45
2 5x5 12:21h 90 94.000 1.740 1.520 63.000 68
3 5x5 14:30h 98 1.110.000 2.000 1.790 69.000 91
4 5x5 16:39h 105 1.270.000 2.300 2.100 74.000 114

Rakennusten tasot

Taso 1 Taso 2 Taso 3 Taso 4
Gr8 Production1 1.png
Gr8 Production1 2.png
Gr8 Production1 3.png
Gr8 Production1 4.png
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